Massage Clinic
How is Jema Clinic’s massage different?
Here at Jema Clinic, we have a therapeutic basis for our massage therapy. We offer three different intensity levels: low-level intensity, medium-level intensity and high-level intensity. Low-level intensity focuses only on the affected area with gentle massage with or without oil. Medium-intensity massage focuses more on working on the root of the problem. It uses firm pressure to get rid of some residual tension and treat the cause of the pain. Medium intensity massage can cause some discomfort and usually takes a minimum of 25 hrs treatment. High-intensity involves using high levels of pressure to work out all the residual tension from the corresponding areas of pain. High-level intensity can cause medium-to-high levels of discomfort and can take more than 35 hrs of treatment, and is useful for resolving hard-to-treat issues. The duration of the massage therapy may vary according to the patient’s condition. Jema Clinic also offers pain treatment options, which include the use of a pain relief patch. This patch contains both pain relief and herbal components, and can be kept on for 3 days. It is oil free and is applied directly on the skin.